
Law of Small Numbers

"Specifically, because of a false belief called the 'law of small numbers,' people attribute negative serial correlation to an identical and independently distributed stochastic process."
Shefrin (2001) [book]

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Articles published since 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| 2012

Top 10

(as of 1 December 2008)

  1. TVERSKY, A. and D. KAHNEMAN, 1993. Belief in the law of small numbers. A handbook for data analysis in the behavioral sciences: …. [Cited by 841] (54.54/year)
  2. RABIN, M., 2002. Inference By Believers in the Law of Small Numbers*. Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Cited by 142] (22.12/year)
  3. QUATTRONE, G.A. and E.E. JONES, 1980. … perception of variability within in-groups and out-groups: Implications for the law of small numbers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Cited by 106] (3.73/year)
  4. SCHMIDT, F.L. and J.E. HUNTER, 1978. MODERATOR RESEARCH AND THE LAW OF SMALL NUMBERS 1. Personnel Psychology. [Cited by 36] (1.18/year)
  5. GUY, R.K., 1988. The strong law of small numbers. American Mathematical Monthly. [Cited by 24] (1.18/year)
  6. WHITAKER, L., 1914. ON THE POISSON LAW OF SMALL NUMBERS. Biometrika. [Cited by 24] (0.25/year)
  7. FALK, M., J. H�SLER and R.D. REISS, 2004. Laws Of Small Numbers: Extremes And Rare Events. books.google.com. [Cited by 96] (21.72/year)
  8. KONTOYIANNIS, I., P. HARREMOES and O. JOHNSON, 2005. Entropy and the law of small numbers. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 16] (4.68/year)
  9. KAHNEMAN, D. and A. TVERSKY, 1971. Belief in the law of small numbers. Psychological Bulletin. [Cited by 13] (0.35/year)
  10. KEREN, G. and C. LEWIS, 1994. The Two Fallacies of Gamblers: Type I and Type II. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES. [Cited by 55] (3.81/year)
